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We help creative designers excel and automate with data driven content.
— Brian Cowell

Pagination Types

Into Text Flows

This type of pagination is the most widely used, and is suitable for all publications where records simply flow into the document one after another.

Flow-based pagination

Flow-based pagination is often used when products need to flow through a document, such as a price list or directory.

Your EasyCatalog Product Styles will be inserted into a regular InDesign text box, which allows you to reflow the document if data is added or removed or if you need to insert additional content into the document after pagination.

Product Styles are inserted, one after the other, into an InDesign text flow.

A Product Style can be inserted for each group and/or record shown in the panel’s hierarchy.

These Product Styles are inserted as anchored boxes (where the style contains more than one box) or as text (where the style contains one text box).

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes1
Asset Name

This option should be used when the source data contains a field which identifies the name of a library item to use.

By default this value is set as Unspecified.

EasyCatalog allows a wildcard library named "*".

This wildcard library item will be used (if you have created one) when a library item with the correct name can not be found.
Break On Field Change

During pagination, when the value of the nominated field changes, EasyCatalog will insert a break character as determined by the selection made in Break Type.

By default this value is set as Unspecified.

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes1b
Break Type

This option is selectable only when a field is selected in the Break On Field Change. A selection of InDesign break types can then be assigned.

  • Column Break

  • Page Break

  • Frame Break

  • Odd Page Break

  • Even Page Break

  • Paragraph

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes1a
Use Item Geometry

If you have associated a Product Style with a record or group in the panel, EasyCatalog will use this Product Style as a preference to those in the Pagination Library.

By default this value is un-selected.

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes1c
Restrict Vertical Cell Merging to Page Bounds

When merging cells in vertical tables, EasyCatalog will not merge the cells across page boundaries when this option is set.

By default this value is un-selected.

At Page Guide Positions

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes3

Guide-based Pagination

Where the document has a more regular, grid-like, layout Guide-based Pagination can be used.

This type of pagination works by positioning Product Styles at the intersection of page guides on the page.

Product Styles can be automatically placed at the intersection of guides on each page.

This option is useful for publications that follow a fairly rigid, grid-based, layout or where the paginated Product Styles will require some manual alteration once pagination has completed.

At Positions Specified In The Data

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes2

Positional Pagination

If your data contains positional information, such as a page number and X and Y co-ordinate, Positional Pagination can use this information to place your Product Styles in the correct position.

Using Master Pages

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes4

Master-based Pagination

Rather than using an EasyCatalog Library containing your Product Styles, Master-based pagination uses Product Styles that have already been placed in position on your document’s master pages.

The master page that is used during pagination can be determined by your data, allowing you to quickly paginate a document containing various standard page layouts.

‘Master Pages’ pagination uses Product Styles placed on master pages.

  • The positions of the Product Styles are predetermined by the master page.

  • The order that the items flow into the master page is defined by the ‘Position Index’ pagination attribute.

Template Document

EasyCatalog PaginationTypes5

Template-based Pagination

If you’re looking to paginate multiple documents, PDFs or both from your data, Template-based Pagination can be used.

By creating a template document containing placeholders where your data should appear, Template-based pagination will automatically output the populated template to a folder.

Multiple template documents can be defined, with the data choosing the relevant template at pagination time.

Pagination Rules

The Pagination Rules panel is only available as part of the seperately purchased Pagination Module.

Default Settings

EasyCatalog PaginationRules0a


Why Can’t I See All The Attributes?

Some of the attributes shown in the panel are dependant on other attributes or the current document selection.


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Postional

Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Apply this attribute to the outer-most box in the Product Style.
If the Product Style consists of multiple boxes, group them together and apply this attribute to the group box.

This attribute is used to associate the Product Style with a level in your panel grouping hierarchy.

The configuration of this field is mandatory for all types of automatic pagination.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules1
Once Per Record

The Product Style should be used each time EasyCatalog wants to insert an individual record into the document.

Once Per Group

Apply this attribute to Product Styles that should be used when paginating groups.
You must set the ‘Group Label’ field to specify which group the Product Style should be used for.
For example, to specify that the Product Style should be used to paginate the ‘Manufacturer’ group, set the Group Label attribute to ‘Manufacturer’.

Furniture Data

This attribute is typically applied to page headings,tab numbers, bread crumbs, page colors that contain information about the first or last record on a page or spread.

Group Name

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Postional

Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This attribute specifies the point in the panel grouping hierarchy to use this library item.

For example, if this library item should be inserted once for each ‘Manufacturer’ group, ‘Manufacturer’ should be specified in this attribute

EasyCatalog PaginationRules21
Group Name

Name of the group from the panel hierarchy that all be attached to this product style.
The name can be typed in, or selected from the drop down box.
The panel must be selected for the drop down to work.

Position Index

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Position index can be used to force the n’th record or sub-group to populate a box within the Product Style.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules2
ALL{ Field Name }

The contents of the frame will be repeated once for each paragraph/line in the field’s content. So the limit is not the position number, but the amount in the field’s content.

HIGHEST{ Field Name }

Can be specified to populate the box with the record containing the highest value in the given field.

LOWEST{ Field Name }

Can be specified to populate the box with the record containing the lowest value in the given field.

Page Orientation

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Specifies whether this library item should be used on left-hand pages, right-hand pages or either.
The use of this attribute allows you to define different library items that should be used on left or right pages.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules19

This library item will be used on left-hand pages only.


This library item will be used on right-hand pages only.


This library item can be used for any type of page.
This is the default setting for Page Orientation.

Libraries appear on "Left" and "Right" pages.

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute3


Pagination Types


Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This option affects whether the Product Style will be anchored in the pagination text flow or if the text content of the Product Style will be inserted.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules20
As Inline

This option will insert the Product Style as an anchored box in the pagination text flow – this is required if your Style consists of more than one box.

Frame Contents

This option must only be used when the Product Style consists of one text box.
Instead of anchoring the Product Style in the text flow, EasyCatalog will copy the text content from the text box and paste it into the pagination text flow.

Setting Force Break attribute to Paragraph may help when using Frame Contents.

As Inline

Frame Contents

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute4
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute5

Append Return

Pagination Types


Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

Insert to be set to 'As Inline '

When inserting the Product Style As Inline, this option specifies whether to add a carriage-return after the anchored item.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules22

When selected, a carriage return will be appended after the product style.


No carriage return will be appended.



EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute2
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute1

Paragraph Style

Pagination Types


Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

Insert to be set to 'As Inline '

The Paragraph Style named here will be applied to the Product Style when it is anchored in the pagination text flow.

Using InDesign’s paragraph styles allows typographical controls, such as ‘space before’, ‘keep together’, ‘column spanning’, etc to be applied to each anchored style.

The Paragraph Style specified must exist in the document being paginated into.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules23


EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute6


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional
Not all options available with both types of pagination

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

EasyCatalog PaginationRules3

Fitting Option

Text Boxes

Picture Boxes


The size of the box will remain fixed and unchanged.

Frame To Content

If there is only one line of text in the box, both the width and depth of the box will be adjusted to the size of the text.

Width is adjusted only if the box is currently larger than the amount of text.

Where there are multiple lines of text, only the depth will be adjusted.

  • Fitted Anchor Point

The Field Options (in Picture Content) will be used to initially import the image into the box, then both the width and depth will be adjusted to the size of the picture content.

Content To Frame

The text content will be resized until it fits within the box.

Additional constraining attributes become available that allow the resizing of the text to fit into the box:

  • Minimum Text Size (%)

  • Maximum Text Size (%)

  • Minimum Text Scale H

  • Maximum Text Scale H

The picture content will be resized to fit the frame.

Frame Height To Content Height

The height of the box will be resized to the height of the text.

The width will be unaffected, regardless of the number of lines of text.

  • Minimum Height

  • Maximum Height

  • Round up to nearest
    Rounds up the fitting of the box up to a multiple value.
    For example if, after fitting, the text frame depth is now 17mm, and the “Round up to nearest” attribute is set to ‘5mm’, the frame will be resized to 20mm. Which is the next nearest multiple of 5mm.

  • Fitted Anchor Point

The Field Options (in Picture Content) will be used to initially import the image into the box, then the height of the picture box will be resized to the height of the picture.

Frame Width To Content Width


The Field Options (in Picture Content) will be used to initially import the image into the box, then the width of the picture box will be resized to the width of the picture.

The height remains unchanged.

Grow and Flow

The depth of the text box will expand to accommodate the amount of text, constrained to the bottom margin of the page.

If the box is still overset, the Product Style will be inserted again on the next page and any boxes marked as ‘Grow and Flow’ will be linked together.

  • Minimum Height

  • Maximum Height

  • Round up to nearest
    Rounds up the fitting of the box up to a multiple value.
    For example if, after fitting, the text frame depth is now 17mm, and the “Round up to nearest” attribute is set to ‘5mm’, the frame will be resized to 20mm. Which is the next nearest multiple of 5mm.

  • Name

This setting does not affect Picture boxes.

Frame To Field Dimensions

The height and width of the box will be specified by two fields along with a fitting anchor point.

  • Fitting Anchor Point

  • Field Name (Height)

  • Field Name (Width)

Ensure that the fields contain the measurement system as px is the default. - e.g. 10mm. (Use the Field Suffix field option to add this if necessary.)

The frame will be resized to the height with width specified by the nominated fields, then the Field Options (in Picture Content) will be used to import the image content within this box.

Frame to Content (Height and Width)

Both the width and height of the frame will be adjusted until the content fits

  • Fitting Anchor Point

Fitting Anchor Point

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional
Not all options available with both types of pagination

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

Fitting to be set to 'Frame To Content '
Fitting to be set to 'Frame Height To Content Height '
Fitting to be set to 'Frame To Field Dimensions '
Fitting to be set to 'Frame To Content (Height and Width) '

Specifies the anchor point to use when frame fitting.

For example, specifying an anchor point of "bottom center" will resize the top of the box down until the text fits.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules25


EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute19

Top Left

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute20

Top Center

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute21

Top Right

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute22

Center Left

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute23


EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute24

Center Right

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute25

Bottom Left

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute26

Bottom Center

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute27

Bottom Right

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute28

Force Break

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based
Not all options available with both types of pagination

Apply to

Outermost/group box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This option specifies whether the Product Style should have a specific break character type inserted before the Product Style is paginated.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules24
No Break

The Product Style will be inserted after the previous Product Style.
This is the default setting.

Page Break

Flow-based and Guide-based Pagination Only
EasyCatalog will ensure that the Product Style is being placed onto a new page.
A page-break character may be inserted before the Product Style to ensure this is the case.

Column Break

Flow-based Pagination
The Product Style will be inserted into a new column.
A column-break character may be inserted before the Product Style to ensure this is the case.
Guide-based Pagination
The Direction of Flow selected on the Paginate…​ dialog affects how this attribute is applied:

  • ‘Down, Across’, pagination will move to the next vertical column.

  • ‘Across, Down’, pagination will move to the next horizontal row.

  • ‘Across, Down (Aligned)’, pagination will move to the next horizontal row.

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute7
Frame Break

Flow-based Pagination Only
The Product Style will be inserted in a new frame.
A frame-break character may be inserted before the Product Style to ensure this is the case.

Odd Page Break

Flow-based and Guide-based Pagination Only
The Product Style will be inserted into an odd numbered page.
A page-break character may be inserted before the Product Style to ensure this is the case.

Even Page Break

Flow-based and Guide-based Pagination Only
The Product Style will be inserted into an even numbered page.
A page-break character may be inserted before the Product Style to ensure this is the case.


Flow-based and Guide-based Pagination Only
A new paragraph will be inserted before the Product Style.

Release Anchored Objects

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

After pagination, a ‘Release’ will be performed on all anchored boxes within any boxes with this attribute applied.

Once released, the anchored boxes become standard InDesign frames which can be moved independently of their original anchor location.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules4

Anchored boxes are released and can be moved freely.


Anchored boxes remain in place.
This is the default setting.



EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute9
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute8


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

By applying this attribute to a grouped box, an ‘Ungroup’ will be performed after pagination ungrouping the box.

This option is useful where you want to manually edit the document after pagination and do not want to manually go through the document ungrouping each Product Style.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules5

A grouped box is ungrouped.


A grouped box is unchanged, and remains grouped.
This is the default setting.


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Applied to the outer-most box of a Product Style, this option allows different Product Styles to be used depending on the record or group’s position within its parent group.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules6

All records in the group.
This is the default setting.

First Instance

The first record in the group.

Last Instance

The Last record in the group.

Single Instance

A style can also be defined for use when there is a single record or a group within the group.


EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute10

First Instance

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute11

Last Instance

EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute12


Pagination Types


Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

By setting the ‘Continuation’ attribute to ‘Yes’, the Product Style will be used whenever pagination moves to a new page.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules7

This item will not be used when pagination continues on a new page.
This is the default setting.


This item will be used when pagination continues on a new page.

Grow and Flow

This item will be used when a Grow and Flow item is about to continue paginating on a new page.
A Grow and Flow item is set by the Fitting attribute setting of Grow and flow.

Remove Blank Lines From Empty Fields

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This attribute will remove any lines in the textual content of the box that contain only empty fields.

This attribute is useful when paginating data that contains optional values that should not be paginated if empty.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules8

Removes blank lines left over from empty fields.


Empty fields will leave blank lines in place.
This is the default setting.



EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute13
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute14

Strip White Space

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

White space (tabs, spaces, etc) at the end of the text content in the box will be stripped after pagination.

This attribute is useful for removing unwanted extra carriage returns.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules9

Removes any existing whitespace caused by tabs,spaces, carriage returns from the end of the text box.


Any existing whitespace will remain.
This is the default setting.



EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute15
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute16

Populate Tables

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Specifies whether the table should be populated one row per record or one column per record.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules10

The table will be expanded or contracted vertically.
Rows will be added or removed from the table to accommodate the amount of data being paginated.
This is the default setting.


The table will be expanded or contracted horizontally.
Columns will be added or removed from the table to accommodate the amount of data being paginated.

No Expansion

No columns or rows will be added to the table.

Apply Object Style From Field

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The Object Style specified by the contents of the nominated field will be applied to this box during pagination.

This object style is applied only during pagination, so it will not change during an ‘Update Document’ operation if the contents of the nominated field change.

Using InDesign’s object styles, a nominated field can dynamically allocate a style to the object. Borders, colors, text can all be controlled from an Object style.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules11
The Object Style specified must exist in the document being paginated into.

Apply Swatch From Field

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The nominated field can either contain the name of a swatch to apply to the box or a hexadecimal value that specifies an RGB color to use.

  • If the nominated field contains ‘Brians Swatch’, the swatch called ‘Brians Swatch’ will be applied during pagination time

  • If the field contains the RGB (hexadecimal) value of ‘#FF0000’ the box will be colored red.

  • If the field contains the CMYK value of ‘c100m0y0k0’ the box will be colored cyan.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules12
RGB Colors

RGB colors are in the following format :

  • RR is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

  • GG is a hexadecimal value for the green component of the color

  • BB is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

CMYK Colors

CMYK colors are in the following format :

  • XXX is a value (0-100) for the cyan component of the color

  • JJJ is a value (0-100) for the magenta component of the color

  • ZZZ is a value (0-100) for the yellow component of the color

  • EEE is a value (0-100) for the black component of the color

The Swatch specified must exist in the document being paginated into.

Apply Swatch To Stroke From Field

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The nominated field can either contain the name of a swatch to apply to the box stroke or a hexadecimal value that specifies an RGB color to use.

  • If the nominated field contains ‘Brians Swatch’, the swatch called ‘Brians Swatch’ will be applied during pagination time to the box stroke

  • If the field contains the RGB (hexadecimal) value of ‘#FF0000’ the box stroke will be colored red.

  • If the field contains the CMYK value of ‘c100m0y0k0’ the box stroke will be colored cyan.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules13
RGB Colors

RGB colors are in the following format :

  • RR is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

  • GG is a hexadecimal value for the green component of the color

  • BB is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

CMYK Colors

CMYK colors are in the following format :

  • XXX is a value (0-100) for the cyan component of the color

  • JJJ is a value (0-100) for the magenta component of the color

  • ZZZ is a value (0-100) for the yellow component of the color

  • EEE is a value (0-100) for the black component of the color

The Swatch specified must exist in the document being paginated into.



EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute17
EasyCatalog PaginationAttribute18

Apply Swatch To Text From Field

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The nominated field can either contain the name of a swatch to apply to the text or a hexadecimal value that specifies an RGB color to use, or a formatted CMYK value.

  • If the nominated field contains ‘Brians Swatch’, the swatch called ‘Brians Swatch’ will be applied during pagination time to the text

  • If the field contains the RGB (hexadecimal) value of ‘#FF0000’ the text will be colored red.

  • If the field contains the CMYK value of ‘c100m0y0k0’ the text will be colored cyan.

Overrides text style coloring.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules26
RGB Colors

RGB colors are in the following format :

  • RR is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

  • GG is a hexadecimal value for the green component of the color

  • BB is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

CMYK Colors

CMYK colors are in the following format :

  • XXX is a value (0-100) for the cyan component of the color

  • JJJ is a value (0-100) for the magenta component of the color

  • ZZZ is a value (0-100) for the yellow component of the color

  • EEE is a value (0-100) for the black component of the color

The Swatch specified must exist in the document being paginated into.

Apply Swatch To Text Stroke From Field

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The nominated field can either contain the name of a swatch to apply to the text stroke (and text) or a hexadecimal value that specifies an RGB color to use, or a formatted CMYK value.

  • If the nominated field contains ‘Brians Swatch’, the swatch called ‘Brians Swatch’ will be applied during pagination time to the text stroke and text color

  • If the field contains the RGB (hexadecimal) value of ‘#FF0000’ the text stroke and text will be colored red.

  • If the field contains the CMYK value of ‘c100m0y0k0’ the text stroke and text will be colored cyan.

Overrides text stroke style coloring.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules27
RGB Colors

RGB colors are in the following format :

  • RR is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

  • GG is a hexadecimal value for the green component of the color

  • BB is a hexadecimal value for the red component of the color

CMYK Colors

CMYK colors are in the following format :

  • XXX is a value (0-100) for the cyan component of the color

  • JJJ is a value (0-100) for the magenta component of the color

  • ZZZ is a value (0-100) for the yellow component of the color

  • EEE is a value (0-100) for the black component of the color

The Swatch specified must exist in the document being paginated into.

When Frame Is Empty

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Specify an action to take when the box is empty.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules14

The box will be removed from the document.

Do Nothing

The box will remain in the document empty.
This is the default setting.

Keep With Next

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based

Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This attribute will attempt to keep this library item with the one that is paginated next.

This option is especially useful for paginating headers that should not become separated from the first item in the group.
EasyCatalog PaginationRules15

Where possible this library item will be kept with the next paginated item.
Flow-based only
Will be set to 1 line.


This item will not be kept with the next paginated item.


Will not change what is applied to the text/anchored object inserted.
This is the default setting.

These settings can now be overwritten by the use of an "Action".


Pagination Types


Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Specifies whether this item should repeat at the start of each new column or page.
Within a single library, different items may be specified that repeat at the start of each new page and column.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules16

This item will not be repeated.
This is the default setting.

Every Column

This item will be repeated at the start of each new column.

Every Page

This item will be repeated at the start of each new page.

Include in Collision Detection

Pagination Types


Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

Collision Detection will prevent EasyCatalog from positioning your Product Styles over the top of existing page items, or Product Styles that have already been paginated.

This attribute can be applied to a box within a Product Style.

EasyCatalog PaginationRules17

This box will be included in collision detection.
This is the default setting.


This box has no collision detection applied.

If it’s set to ‘No’ on a group box, the boxes within the group that are set to ‘Yes’ will still be included in the collision detection.


Actions are decisions that are evaluated at pagination time, and allow you to affect the appearance of boxes within your Product Style based on the data being paginated.

An Action is made up of two parts:

  1. A condition you wish to test

  2. An outcome of that test

EasyCatalog PaginationRules18


  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

Checks whether a string contains a sequence of characters.
If the sequence is found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value











No way!



Doesn’t Contain
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

This is the exact opposite of Contains.
Checks whether a string contains a sequence of characters.
If the sequence is not found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Doesn’t Contain



Doesn’t Contain



Doesn’t Contain


No way!

Doesn’t Contain


  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

Checks whether a string is an exact match to a sequence of characters.
If the exact sequence match is found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value











No way!



Is Not
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

This is the exact opposite of Is.
Checks whether a string is an exact match to a sequence of characters.
If the exact sequence match is not found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Is Not



Is Not



Is Not


No way!

Is Not


Starts With
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

Checks the prefix of string if it matches a sequence of characters.
If a prefix match is found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Starts With



Starts With



Starts With


No way!

Starts With


Ends With
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

Checks whether the String ends with a specified suffix against a sequence of characters.
If a suffix match is found, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Ends With



Ends With



Ends With


No way!

Ends With


Is Empty
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

Checks whether a String is empty. (Contains no characters)
If the string is empty, the action will be performed.

Field Content




Is Empty

Is Empty

Is Empty

Is Empty

- -

Is Empty

Is Not Empty
  • For use on Alphanumeric Fields

  • Is not case sensitive

This is the exact opposite of Is Empty.
Checks whether a String contains any characters.
If the string has any characters, the action will be performed.

Field Content




Is Not Empty

Is Not Empty

Is Empty

Is Not Empty

- -

Is Not Empty

Greater Than

For use on Numeric Fields

Checks to verify if a number is greater than another number.
If the number is greater, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Greater Than



Greater Than



Greater Than



Greater Than



Greater Than


At Least

For use on Numeric Fields

Checks to verify if a number is greater than or equal to another number.
If the number is greater or equals, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



At Least



At Least



At Least



At Least



At Least


Less Than

For use on Numeric Fields

Checks to verify if a number is less than another number.
If the number is verified as less, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Less Than



Less Than



Less Than



Less Than



Less Than


Not More Than

For use on Numeric Fields

Checks to verify if a number is less than or equal to another number.
If the number is less or equals, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Not More Than



Not More Than



Not More Than



Not More Than



Not More Than



For use on Numeric Fields

Checks if a number is equals another number.
If the numbers are equal, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value

















Not Equals

For use on Numeric Fields

Checks if a number is not equal to another number.
If the numbers are not equal, the action will be performed.

Field Content


Action Value



Not Equals



Not Equals



Not Equals



Not Equals



Not Equals



No Action

This is the default setting.
Removes an action.

Bring To Front

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

When the action evaluates to ‘true’, the box will be moved to the front of the document z-order.

This action is the equivalent of using the the Object  Arrange  Bring to Front InDesign menu option.
Send To Back

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

When the action evaluates to ‘true’, the box will be moved to the bottom of the document z-order.

This action is the equivalent of using the the Object  Arrange  Send to Back InDesign menu option.

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

The box will be deleted when the action expression evaluates to true.


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Any box in the Product Style

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This attribute will show or hide the box if the action evaluates to true.

If the action later evaluates to false the opposite action will be taken.


Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based, Positional

Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

If the action evaluates to true, this Product Style will be ignored by the Pagination module, causing another Product Style to be chosen (if available).

Using this attribute it is possible to have multiple Product Styles configured which the Pagination Module can choose from during pagination based on the contents of one of your fields.
Keep With Next

Pagination Types

Flow-based, Guide-based

Apply to

Outermost/Group Box

Dependant Attributes

- - - - - - -

This action overrides any setting applied in the pagination Keep With Next attribute.

Allows an action to be applied selectively based on a determined result.

This is useful for paginating headers that should not become separated from the first item in the group.

Getting Help

Brian Cowell can be contacted at contact@cunka.com

©2019-2021 Brian Cowell